1. Running

Thousands of times we have been told that we must activate ourselves to lose weight or; However, there are some exercises that we should not do when we are overweight . It may seem an incongruity, but we must take it into account.

The idea is not to make exercise for doing it, but choosing the best ones according to our complexion. For example, between movements  what should be avoided by people who have overweight is one that generates a lot of impact on the joints, says Keiji Yoshiki, fitness lifestyle coach, in interview for GetQoralHealth.


By having a heavy load of weight and little muscle, the impact generated in the joints is very large and can cause injuries. All this due to the wear of the cartilage by friction. "

So if we are overweight (body mass index greater than 30 or with fat accumulated in the center of the body), the exercises that we must avoid are the following:


1. Running

Overweight people are not used to movement; surely their technique is bad, they do not have strength and, therefore, too much impact is generated at the joint level.

Ideally, begin to practice in blocks of 30 seconds, walk two minutes and return to running.


2. Squats

Due to the excess fat , it is normal to have an inadequate posture, because they join the knees and only generate wear on the joints.


3. High Intensity Exercises (HIIT)

They are movements that raise the heart rate to a very high level; This can cause hot flashes and extreme fatigue in overweight people.


4. Jumps or high impact exercises

By not having the strength or control is generated much impact on the joints, which increases the risk of injury.

This does not mean that we do not exercise On the contrary, the key is to start little by little, whether walking or jogging or practicing some of those explained by Keiji Yoshiki in the Audio . The idea is that you accustom your body back to movement. Cheer up and fill yourself with energy!


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