Myths and realities of coffee

Drink a rich coffee cold or hot is delicious; However, there are many myths surrounding the effects of caffeine that are explained as a state of agitation, anxiety and irritability , but this happens not because the caffeine has the ability to alter the serenity, but because it has consumed a higher limit than our body is used to.

Therefore, here we present some of the advantages that the coffee have in our body:

Myth. Coffee affects the stomach . It is said that the intake of this causes stomach irritation.Reality. Investigations of the Autonomous University of Madrid concluded that coffee can promote the formation of intestinal flora l.

Myth. Coffee damages bones . When ingested moderately, it does not cause any sequelae.Reality. Caffeine is the only component of coffee that causes important physiological effects. Its vasoconstrictive properties diminish the caliber of blood vessels, making it an ally of drugs for the headache wave migraine .

Myth. Coffee raises the blood pressure .Reality. Caffeine, the substance theoretically guilty of this prohibition, is a chemical compound from the group of xanthines, contained in tea and chocolate. In moderate doses it has a diuretic effect, stimulates the central nervous system, exerts a discreet bronchodilator action and favors respiratory functioning.

Myth. Coffee affects the control of our nervous system.Reality. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, so when you drink coffee people can have better mental performance, better information processing, as well as data assimilation and decision making.

Another of the great myths surrounding the coffee is that it triggers the cholesterol , situation that is false. the rise of cholesterol It is the result of inadequate eating habits, a sedentary routine and predisposition to suffer it.

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Video Medicine: Ai Myth and Reality (April 2024).