1. Insults and bad words

Anger produces physical and emotional changes that alter health, and commonly leads to two responses: fight or run away .

Anger can have legal, economic and, of course, the most important consequences in our health, since it is a predisposing factor for heart disease, which according to data from the National Health Information System (SINAIS) they are one of the main causes of mortality.

Therefore in GetQoralHealth we present you 7 things that you should avoid saying when you are angry ...


1. Insults and bad words

Offenses do not solve anything and deteriorate the emotional health of people. According to the psychologist specialized in the management of emotionsCharles Spielberger, Anger or anger is only an emotional state that varies in intensity and can range from mild irritation to intense anger. Watch what you transmit.

2. Threats

Threats can produce fear and legal problems as they are considered a form of psychological abuse. According to the psychologist's research Metin Basoglu , of the University of London psychological abuse causes the same results as physical abuse in the victim. Avoid problems and control your emotions.

3. I no longer love you / love you

Do not "talk to talk", let some time pass to calm your thoughts and think about the situation without involving the feelings. Remember that talking without thinking can hurt, hurt or lead you to commit injustice.

4. Teasing

Mockery is also considered a form of psychological abuse. Avoid it and take care of your emotional health and also of other people.

5. Selfish phrases

"Return what I gave you." "The only thing that matters to me is my work." Does it sound familiar? Remember not to mix a good moment with a bad one; show sincerity in each of your actions and try to improve the present situation.

6. Remember the "previous time"

According to an investigation carried out by experts from the University of Granada, Spain , remembering the past in a painful or negative way worsens health, which decreases the quality of life. If you remember a problem from the past, you will only increase the tension without solving the problem.

7. Blackmail

According to Live Free. org Emotional blackmail is a very powerful form of manipulation, in which there is a direct or indirect threat to punish us if we do not do or react as we wish.

It is very important that you know identify the causes that provoke your anger, breathe slowly and deeply, repeat in your head "calm" or "relax", speak slowly, think what you have to say, if not in favor of the solution to the problem avoid comments, and analyze the situation from the other person's point of view.

If you still can not control your anger, retire to a quiet place and think things better. Watch your emotions!

Video Medicine: Top 10 Great British Swear Words and Insults (April 2024).