1. Have sex, even with low desire

From the moment they say "yes I accept", the body chemistry that makes a person sexually attractive for the new partner lasts, at most, two years, affirms the University of Pisa . You will ask yourself then, what are the secrets of couples that last for years


The couples happy they keep things interesting, with surprises and attempts to keep the relationship as 'new', "he says. Gary Neuman , psychotherapist and author of "Emotional Infidelity" .

Although each couple is different, there may be certain secrets that, at least the successful ones, have helped them feel happy and satisfied with your marital situation. Here some of them.


1. Have sex, even with low desire

When a person who feels low wish is delivered to the sexual needs of your partner, regardless of that, strengthen the relationship, indicates a study of the University of Toronto Mississauga . This delivery truly creates privacy , and that makes marriages happy.


2. They do not hold a grudge

One of the secrets of successful couples is that they do not allow problems on a topic come to your bed, or other areas of the relationship, indicates Jessica E. Salvatore , psychologist of the University of Minnesota .

That they are fighting must motivate them to reconciliation, through a conversation, and later to a great passionate night of sex .


3. Plan for sex

The sex It does not have to be spontaneous to be sexy, healthy couples who are willing to prioritize sexual wellness in their relationship tend to feel closer in many ways, says the sexual therapist Gia Ravazzotti .


Making a plan or making the decision to have sex will not take away the enthusiasm; simply tell the couple that you are respectful of their needs and desires (and yours), "he adds.


4. Innovan

Couples maintain the passion When they constantly ask themselves what they like and innovate in bed, over time people change and that should not be forgotten, he says. Terri Orbuch , psychologist author of "5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great" .

Those couples they last for years all of them work to maintain happiness, and that is their biggest secret. Every day is a new opportunity for conquer mutually.


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