1. Fruits

If you have set yourself the goal of forgetting once and for all about the cigar, there are several food to stop smoking that will help you get rid of this vice.

A study conducted by the Dr. Joseph McClemon of the Duke University of North Carolina , United States, indicates that there are foods that worsen the flavor of the cigar and others such as meat, alcohol and coffee that improve it.

This time we share some foods that will help you quit smoking:


1. Fruits

Those that have diuretic and relaxing properties are recommended, such as apple, pineapple, pear and watermelon.

Also recommended are those that include vitamin C such as kiwi, guava and orange, since nicotine creates a deficiency of this type of vitamin.

Video Medicine: Kids vocabulary - Fruits & Vegetables 1 - Learn English for kids - English educational video (May 2024).