Importance of nails in men

Hands say more than we imagine, especially if it is about men. What would we think if they presented themselves before us with them stained with oil or full of dirt? Of course, we would not like anything. That's why it's important to let them know some tips for clean nails.

In everyday life occurs that men worry less about their nails than women, and often have them badly cut (when they are not eaten directly), full of stepfathers and skins, cracked or dirty.

To give a clean and tidy image, hands and nails are essential, as well as wearing well-packed shoes or a clean, ironed shirt to a work appointment.

With hands we greet, exemplify, support an argument or point to an object. Therefore, it is important these tips for clean nails and in good condition.

1. Clean hands need, at least, well-cut and well-shaped nails. First, you have to wash them thoroughly with a special brush.

2. To cut them, it is very practical to use a nail clipper with a deposit that, besides being hygienic, can be used with both hands; To give them a square shape, start filing with the coarse grain side of the file and outline with the finer side. Always with small movements and in the same direction.

3. For those men who have rough and cracked hands it is highly recommended to use an exfoliating cream, as well as to massage the hands insisting on the hardness and cuticles that surround the nails.

4. One of the important tips is to let stand a couple of minutes and remove the excess with a sponge moistened in a soothing tonic. Subsequently, they should use daily hand cream.

5. If they are of those people who suffer from small wounds formed around the cuticles, they should be treated quickly since they can be very painful and they can bleed. For this we suggest to apply on the wounds olive oil with a few drops of lemon.

Finally, another of the tips for very effective nails is the manicure , which has ceased to be exclusive to women to be part of the masculine world.

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