App reveals aging by alcohol

Drinking mirror is an application developed by the company Rancon, which shows how your face will look after years of frequent alcohol consumption, as well as the signs that appear to be the premature aging one of the effects of said consumption.

In this way, this application that is part of the campaign "Drop to Glass Size "of the government of Scotland, To demonstrate the negative effects that result from alcohol consumption, it shows a face with dry skin, wrinkles, dark circles or bags on the eyelids and the dramatic aging process.

Although alcohol in moderate doses has been linked to an increase in life expectancy and good heart health, the Drinking Mirror mobile phone app shows the negative effects of the consumption of alcoholic beverages for health, such as Effects of dehydration on the skin.

To make use of this application, you only have to upload a photo and fill a table of weekly consumption of alcohol, with which, the app will calculate approximately the deterioration that could suffer in 10 years of preserving the same habits.

This application, which can be downloaded for free for Android and iPhone, or you can use the web version, tries to warn about the consequences that the abuse of alcohol has on health, particularly in women, because in recent years the consumption of your part has increased.

Drinking mirror It could be used as an alternative within the campaigns that warn that abuse in alcohol consumption is responsible for more than 50% of road accidents, as well as a decisive factor in developing some diseases such as hepatitis and cancer, among others.

Video Medicine: Is Alcohol Making You Ugly? -- The Doctors (April 2024).