1. Eggs

Everything we eat influences positively or negatively in our body, food leads to different metabolic processes and has effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn.

Not all calories are the same and although fats are the nutrient that contributes the most energy, it is the first thing you have to reduce in order to lose weight, so we leave you the 8 foods that you should consume if you want to lose weight:

You can also see: Slimming without stopping eating


1. Eggs

It is the ideal food to lose weight, because they are rich in protein and good fats, in addition to giving a feeling of fullness with a low intake of calories.


2. Salmon

This fatty fish is a source of omega 3, with healthy fats and proteins, it contributes iodine and it is an option to lose weight because it is a food that "fills" but fattens very little.


3. Green vegetables

They are low in calories and carbohydrates, have a lot of fiber and is the ideal side dish for the two previous ones, it increases the volume of the food and they are very few calories.


4. Lentils

They are healthy and also delicious, this legume is rich in fiber, but try to cook them with little fat (without bacon and chorizo ​​like the traditional ones); It is excellent as soup in our menu.


5. Avocados

Avocados have healthy fats, just like olive oil. Although it has many calories, it generates satiety, then you can consume it in measured quantities, it is one of the most recommended to lose weight.


6.Dried beans

They are considered the perfect snack between meals, they are a good source of protein, fiber and healthy fats.


7. Soups

The more you fill a food in proportion to your calories, it is better to lose weight. Then the water in the soups is ideal for a balanced and nutritious meal.


8. Tuna

Low in calories, with a lot of protein and zero fat. It is the ideal food for a diet to lose weight, if it is a can rinse it before consuming it


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Video Medicine: $1 Eggs Vs. $89 Eggs • Japan (April 2024).