Increase cases

Only one in five teenagers sexually active in the United States, the test for the detection of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), according to a new report from the US government.


This percentage is worrisome because young people constitute a significant proportion of new infections for him HIV , the researchers of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for its acronym in English).

We know that a decade four new infections by HIV occurs in young boys between 13 and 24 years old, which means approximately 12,200 new cases per year in U.S said the researcher Laura Kann , head of the CDC surveillance branch .

The report of the CDC, which analyzed data from 1991 to 2013, is going to present July 23 in the International AIDS Conference 2014 in Melbourne, Australia.


Increase cases

Given the number of teenagers infected each year increases, Kann search explain why the rate of tests of HIV It remains in 22% .


It is not clear why we have not been able to increase the tests more than what we have. There is evidence of increase of the contagion of HIV between the teenagers , Explain Kann .

Because the HIV It can try now and now do not is a judgment of death , teenagers can not be worried by infection .


The prevention of HIV It is not the responsibility of the CDC alone, but of the communities and parents. It is important that young people know about risks , the test and they know how to prevent the infection , He said Kann .

Protection all the time

The doctor Vivian Hernández-Trujillo, immunologist at the Children's Hospital of Miami , ensures that stats are worrying , but not surprising. One of the things that I talk to my patients is about using protection all the time when they are sexually active

The reality is that they are not using a protection all the time, more worrying is that do not are they make the test , confirm Hernández-Trujillo .

He adds that the teenagers if they are enough responsible as to participate in the sexual activity they also must be to take care of their own Health .


The CDC recommend that teenagers and the Adults of 13 and 64 do the test of HIV at least once as part of the Attention medical routine.

Although the number of black teenagers and Hispanics What have they had sexual intercourse he has diminished , this trend has stagnated between whites and children, the researchers point out.

And after years of increase in the use of condom , which has fallen among girls sexually active and black adolescents, but it remains stable among white and Hispanic children and adolescents.

The proportion of teenagers sexually active who use condoms it increased from 46% in 1991 to 63% in 2003, but dropped to 59% in 2013, which is a red flag. How do you protect yourself?

Video Medicine: ACB Raids Increase Cases Across State (May 2024).