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The death of a being you love is undoubtedly a devastating blow, but you do not have to learn to live with stress in your life because of this situation, on the contrary, in order to achieve the peace and tranquility you need, you must seek a prompt solution.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Ana Luisa de Anaya , ontological coach of Sukha Total , explains that one of the situations that generate the most stress someone is the death of the partner ; after years of coexistence it is not easy to say goodbye.


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Smile again

Although it sounds cruel, life goes on, your children and other family members will need you to be strong; It is not easy, however, the coach indicates that there are tools that you can implement to overcome the stress and make the process a little lighter, although the pain keep present.

1. Acceptance You must accept the feeling that you are experiencing in the moment and the reality, because the lifetime It is, it does not ask you if you want. As a first step, this will help you overcome the stress of the situation.

2. Observation. Depending on how we perceive life, it is how we interpret it, that is why it is important that you observe yourself and realize from where you are facing it: from hope or despair, and go to the feeling more positive

3. Build trust Be afraid to be alone It's natural, but resort to trust It is a good tool for you because you will realize that you do not want to continue suffering. With the clearer mind it will be clearer that you think what you can do.

4. Desahógate. A way to help you relax is to release the thoughts that stress you, for that, have a notebook next to your bed and write down every night what you stress . With this you will help your brain to feel more calm.

5. Respect your rest times. There is a level of stress which is good, but when you can not control it is when it affects you the most, it can even provoke depression . Therefore it is important that you respect breaks: take breaks between activities.

6. Avoid catastrophic thinking. The worst thoughts come to mind before the stress , so you should avoid unnecessary mental torture, ideas that are so chaotic that they do not let you find the tranquility .

Even if you hear that before such painful events you must learn to live with that stress in your life, do not resign yourself. The love of your family, the beautiful memories you have and a future full of hope, do not have to be stopped.

Video Medicine: How to De-Stress & Relax | 6 Practical Self Care Tips to Manage Stress (April 2024).