Wellness is vital for a good quality of life

The human being needs a set of things like Health , money, work, education and security, to achieve a good quality of life and provide benefits to society. In addition, experts recommend maintaining a weight healthy, an adequate level of blood pressure , to practice exercise and reduce the stress .

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), health is the basis of the wellness social and this is the key to the progress of a nation.

Therefore, the organization is responsible for analyzing the 11 parameters and 22 indicators used to measure the welfare of each of the countries that comprise it, such as income and wealth, employment, housing, Health , work and private life combination, education, social relations, personal security, among others.

In this way, he points out that the European Nordic countries, Australia, Canada and the United States have the best welfare indexes, while Mexico, Hungary, Portugal, Estonia, Chile and Turkey are in the last positions.

The OECD highlights that Mexico is the country with the greatest insecurity, with the worst result in education, one of the worst in per capita income, in terms of work-private life and in Health .

It states that in certain countries there are wide disparities in health among people with different incomes, which is attributed in part to the lifestyle and environmental conditions of each nation.

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