Use it for your good!

Inflammation, abdominal pain or heartburn are very common symptoms suffered by around 80% of Mexicans, due to their bad eating habits; however, a natural way to reduce them is with the benefits of cuachalalate.

According to the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicine , the use of the bark of this tree in the form of syrup or infusion helps you maintain a flat stomach and maintain better health and quality of life.


Use it for your good!

1. Reduces abdominal inflammation and gastritis

Researchers from the UNAM say that this tree has gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent these discomforts from impacting your quality of life.

2. Accelerates healing

Researchers from the universities of Querétaro, UNAM and IPN detail that it favors the healing of wounds, skin diseases and pimples.

You only need to drink a little as syrup or prepare it as an infusion. In the case of wounds you can also apply it in powder form.

3. Prevents cancer

According to him National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (Cofrupo) cuachalalate has anticancer, anticholinergic properties and to destroy gallstones, thanks to its high concentrations of chewing gum acid,

4. Improve your oral health

By ingesting cuachalalate infusions you strengthen your gums, reduce the presence of fire and ulcers in the mouth.

5. Take care of your airways

By eating a little cuachalalate every day improve your immune system and decrease the presence of cough, inflammation of angina, colds.

6. Detoxify your blood

Activates blood circulation and prevents the development of varicose veins, ulcers, thanks to which it purifies the blood and reduces cholesterol levels.

If you want to start changing your lifestyle and enjoy all these benefits, get the drink of cuachalalate in Super GetQoralHealth , where you will find 100% original and safe products.

By modifying your habits in a healthy way you will notice the change in your state of mind, your body and you will be able to enjoy a better quality of life.