True aphrodisiacs

When the routine and monotony reach the intimacy of a couple it is very frequent that it detonates problems in the relationship, which in turn translates into a distancing in the bed. A simple solution may be inedible aphrodisiacs.

Although the solution could be in aphrodisiacs, it will not really be in those that promise extraordinary results when consuming them, such as an endless sexual desire and a superior performance, but in those that require only a little communication and will of both, which They are not edible.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, the sexologist Roberto Soto y Ramírez, of the Mexican Institute of Sexology (IMESEX) , explains that in reality there are no foods, potions or drinks that make them considered aphrodisiac or have a fully enhancing effect, but rather should be taken as "good full or companions" of sex.


True aphrodisiacs

In this sense, according to the IMESEX specialist, one of the first steps to prevent falling into routine is to have an adequate sexual communication , this allows to really know what the couple likes and wishes.

In addition to that, if there is any problem or dysfunction, will allow to have the support and confidence to overcome it, same process that can be applied to other aspects of the privacy .

The imagination, sexual fantasies , erotic games, safety, empathy and trust are the true aphrodisiacs that enhance the enjoyment of a sexual relationship in couple. Elements that influence both sexual performance and satisfaction.


Avoid anaphyrodisiacs

Contrary to the effect of aphrodisiacs, which incite and increase sexual desire, anaphrodisiacs can inhibit sufficiently the response to erotic stimuli of the same imagination, fantasies and other elements.

In this sense, according to Soto and Ramírez, some aspects such as lack of hygiene, attention and imagination, selfishness, lack of importance and respect for the pleasure of the couple, among others, are anaphrodisiacs that little by little diminish the sexual quality of both, to the point of becoming monotonous and routine.

Video Medicine: There's Only One Aphrodisiac According To Science (May 2024).