Top fan is defined with booshaka

On the occasion of the trivia that in GetQoralHealth and friendly pages we have for you, we want you to know the way in which how to define the first three places of the contest, which is done through booshaka.

Booshaka is a tool that identifies the most active fans of a page of Facebook and awards them through points for the contributions that each makes to the site, for Comments, Likes or for Sharing some content.

Once the user gives LIKE to each of the sites, it automatically registers in booshaka. To see the tables of the participants and the scores just click on this photo that appears on the fan page of GetQoralHealth :


How do you assign points?

The best scores appear at the beginning of the table, and those users are classified as Top Fans for the quality and quantity of interactions they have with the page.


How is it monitored?

Booshaka recognizes the contributions made every day and updates them daily, so it is very easy to follow the score and keep an eye on the competition.


What is the record?

For greater control, at the beginning of each month the counter is reset to zeroes, but saves the scores of the previous months, so the data is not lost, nor deleted.

In this way, booshaka will allow us to designate the first three Top fans during the trivia of Olympic Heart . Good luck and keep participating!

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Video Medicine: How-To Know Facebook Fans with Booshaka rp (April 2024).