Tips to fulfill your New Year's resolutions

As tradition dictates, one minute after the last day of the year, millions of people have in mind 12 wishes that they "intend" to achieve for the cycle that begins. Although experts say that only 20% do it, we tell you how comply your purposes of New Year .

Peter Bregman, collaborator of Harvard Business Review , says that among the most frequent errors in establishing the purposes of New Year is that these are not measurable , realistic , reachable, specific , nor with deadlines predetermined

Recommends focus in a area of interest , that is, in a goal rather than in a purpose or desire. This approach is nourished by motivation , positive vision, as well as encouragement to work for it.


Tips to fulfill your New Year's resolutions

According to a study published in the magazine Journal of Clinical Psychology , among the main purposes of New Year is it so:


  1. Lose weight
  2. Exercise
  3. Give up smoking
  4. Change of employment
  5. Improve finances
  6. End debts


Usually, in January people go very well, but from February the enthusiasm and intentions begin to descend until it arrives December with 80% of attempts failed ", Says the study .

John Norcross , author of the study, reflects why so many people do not keep their resolutions ?, perhaps they are weak of will or lazy?

So that your purposes be a fact by the end of 2015, Ray Williams , author of Breaking Bad Habits, contributes eight tips .

1. Focus on a resolution. Instead of having many purposes it is better to establish few, but to be attainable and specific. For example, losing weight is a general goal, but if you intend to lose 10 kilos in two months, it is more precise and you work with conviction.

2. Focus on the 365 days. Do not wait until New Year's Eve to establish your wishes. Be careful that it is a long and permanent process during the year.

3. Make small progress. Many people tend to abandon their purposes Because your goals are too big that require extra effort and action only once. So make them progressive and enjoy each of the advances.

4. Seek support. A great idea is to have the support of a friend, partner, brothers or dads to accompany you on this path. Ask them to measure your progress and ask for an "accountability". It has to be someone close to you who you trust to notify and evaluate your progress.

5. Celebrate your successes. Do not wait until you purpose is fulfilled completely. For each advance, get an award or encouragement that encourages you to follow with enthusiasm.

6. Focus your thoughts. Adopt new behavior patterns and optimistic thoughts. Create neural connections that help you change habits, that is, make affirmations instead of negations.

7. Concentrate on the present. Think only about the things you can do today, how to align them with your goals. Do not sabotage yourself thinking about whether you can achieve it or that you have weeks with few results. Simply take advantage of your day to day.

8. Be conscious. Become aware of your physical, emotional and mental condition. Observe your inner state and what you feel with each external event, moment by moment. Recognize what you want to achieve purpose and the satisfactors that "you consider" you are going to have.

Timoteo Pychyl, professor of psychology at Carleton University , in Canada, remember that the purposes of New Year they are a way of reinvent yourself and of motivate you .

A formula that does not fail to meet any goal is the discipline . So the ideal is to stop postpone things and stop being apathetic , in this way you will be satisfied with the things you achieve at the end of this cycle that you start. Which are yours wishes for this one year ?

Video Medicine: Tips for your New Year's resolutions - health, money, time, energy (April 2024).