Thin with these foods

In addition to the environment, stress , lack of time and family, our habits, especially food, have a direct influence on the metabolism and how it eliminates or preserves the fat in the body.

According to Doug Kalman, director of the nutrition center in the Miami Research Associates, your body takes more energy by digesting protein than carbohydrates and fat, this means that the more protein you eat, your body will have to work harder to digest it, consequently you will burn more calories

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Thin with these foods

Sometimes it is difficult to know what the foods ideal for accelerate your metabolism, thus GetQoralHealth Through this video, it offers 4 options. Catch them!


Taste that shapes your figure ...

In addition to food, there are species or herbs that can help you accelerate your metabolism or, apart from filling your plate you taste. Here we present three of them.

1. Turmeric It is a bright orange spice that is commonly found in India, helps break down fat cells . A study of Oxford Polytechnic Institute, in England, he points out that a teaspoon of mustard can accelerate metabolism by almost 25%.

2. Black pepper. An investigation of the University of Oklahoma , reveals that black pepper has the potential to burn so many calories like a 20 minute walk.

3. Cumin . It not only helps to lose weight, but also to improve the Digestive process and to produce energy and strengthens the immune system. It can also help reduce symptoms and prevent asthma and arthritis.

If your goal is to lose weight, there is no better option than trying to maintain a balanced diet. Do not forget your health is in your hands!

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (May 2024).