They also suffer!

Sensation of sadness, constant sleep and episodes of anger can be familiar feelings for a woman after giving birth, but for a man too? A study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, It suggests that 10% of men suffer postpartum or prenatal depression.


In the case of women, there are chemical and hormonal alterations during pregnancy that influence depression; but not in men. However, there is a strong relationship between the couple's sadness and their own; that is, the deeper this sensation is in the woman, the more severe it is in the man ", as indicated by the study produced by James Paulson, specialist of the East Virginia School of Medicine.


They also suffer!


Postpartum depression in parents is more frequent between 3 and 6 months after delivery, "says Paulson.

Although what is this depression?

Video Medicine: Serve and Suffer Block: Police officers in Kenya serve, but they also suffer (April 2024).