The seduction

According to the study Habits of Internet users in Mexico, made by the Mexican Internet Association in 2012, In our country, Internet users have 3 main activities when they enter cyberspace: 80% to send and receive email, 77% social networks and 71% to search for information.

One of the curious facts of this research is that 9 out of 10 users, affirm not only to use social networks, but also to do it frequently and as a distraction activity, so if the interaction is so intense, it will not be difficult for some they live emotions of all kinds as joy, sadness and anger.


The seduction

Ricardo Trujillo, academic of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), explains that there are several reasons why a person can find pleasure in having access to networks and that the most common are the opportunity to establish relationships, without this implying having emotional ties, increase the number of their contacts and expand the horizons of work, academic, family or friendship interaction.

"Here the premise applies: Friends do choose themselves and the family does not, social networks allow for the generation of ties, which the user determines whether or not they will have an emotional charge," explains the expert.

The key word is connection, because the way to join in the internet is a fertile field to jump from a partnership to a connection society, since the mediator is the network, if it is connected or deleted to a ' follower 'or' friend 'there is no tragedy, or pain because there is not necessarily a link.

"The way in which each person engages in social and affective relationships is independent of the technology, commitment and affection that is imprinted on each of them is a separate issue, so it is worth reflecting if any of the social networks is symptom or disease of the type of relationships that now exist, "says Ricardo Trujillo.

It is difficult to make a prognosis on how the use of networks can impact the different social spheres, in Mexico, according to the aforementioned study, around 56% of netizens are between 1 and 3 years old as users of social networks, so this is a relatively recent story and in which it is worthwhile to act prudently, so as not to suffer the indelible and permanent that cyberspace keeps in its records.

"Prudence empowers your words"