That happiness does not escape ...

It is said that life is built of small actions, will it? What is a reality is that there are habits that can influence not only our health but the state of mind; example, the depression.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) , the depression is a frequent mental disorder, characterized by the presence of sadness, loss of interest pleasure, feeling guilty or lack of self-esteem and appetite.

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That happiness does not escape ...

The depression It can become chronic or recurrent, and significantly impede performance at work or school and the ability to cope with daily life. That's why we tell you about some habits that will help you avoid it.

1. A cup can be your aleado. Although its excess is related to the increase in the possibilities of suffer depression , wine in moderation can be your ally when it comes to avoiding this emotional upheaval. At least, this is demonstrated by a study carried out by researchers from the department of Preventive Health and Public Health of the University of Navarra, in Pamplona, ​​Spain.

2. Every attempt is good. An investigation published in the magazine Positive Psychology that simply trying to be happy is enough to increase the emotional well-being . According to the research, people who try to maintain a high mood have higher levels of satisfaction.

3. Limit your time on Facebook. An article published in the The Atlantic notes that this network tool is used to constantly monitor the lives of others, which can promote jealousy, insecurity and feelings that can result in depression.

4. Improve your diet. It has been shown that there is a correlation between depression and obesity, according to the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO). The risk of suffering from depression is 55% higher in obese people, often due to social pressure, while the risk of obesity increases by 58% among those who have depression , motivated by anxiety, which can cause a binge eating disorder, consuming more than 5,000 calories each time. A good option to prevent it is the Mediterranean diet.

5. Come to the exercise as a priority. A physical activity It gives you endorphins, which make you feel happy. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology He found that exercise improves the thinking that people have about their bodies, which makes them feel better about themselves.

Habits are actions that can help you avoid depression . Do not leave it aside. Remember that your health is in your hands. Do not forget!

Video Medicine: Prison - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts (April 2024).