Telltale movements ...

It is there, but for many its presence is imperceptible but essential to establish emotional relationships, and for the growth of goals: non-verbal communication. It is so important that you can even indicate who is a person smart or not.


Its importance is such that it is considered that, in a communication face to face, the verbal component is approximately 35%, compared to 65% corresponding to the nonverbal language (gestures, movements, signals), as indicated by a study of the The MacGraw-Hill company.


Telltale movements ...

Show or pretend to be a person smart It could be a great tool when you want to find work or impress someone. Here we tell you some of the gestures that can help you, with information from the survey conducted by the Ask Jeeves company, and published.

1. Wear glasses. Put on some glasses even if your sight is perfect, it has a positive influence on your appearance, since it looks more intelligence quotient.

2. Learn to speak little. Talking a lot is the best way to demonstrate ignorance, especially if you are talking about a subject that you do not master.

3. Listen to classical music or pretend that you like jazz. 20% of respondents admitted to saying they would choose Beethoven over Beyonce.

4. Social communication media. It also plays an important role. Many people who share Facebook messages on policy issues to raise their profile intellectual .

They say that intelligence lies in the ability of people to face the problems of life, and above all that they learn from experiences. What do you think?

Video Medicine: Extended Edition: Body Language Expert sees "Telltale" signs in Stephen Paddock's movements (May 2024).