A new site specialized in diabetes

Laboratories specialized in the subject diabetes , they came together to create controldediabetes.com.mx , a website where the aim is to combine needed information for the patients of this disease.

This page encourages the prevention for those who do not have it; and gives helpful tips to those who do, about how look after Y cope with it in a better way.

This launch coincides with the eve of the activities of the World Diabetes Day which is celebrated on November 14.

The content of this portal, like that of GetQoralHealth (on the subject), arises as a result of a need for information for patients diabetics , since according to Health Secretary (SSA) in Mexico this disease causes 74 thousand deaths year.

Is a chronic disease (which lasts a lifetime) characterized by high levels of glycemia . Describes a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology , characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, resulting from disorders in the secretion and / or action of insulin.

Although more information is available each time, it is necessary go to the doctor periodically