Climbing the roller coaster affects health?

The roller coasters are one of the characteristic attractions of many amusement parks, which date back quite a lot, but which, despite being more than one hundred years old since they were created, constantly offer new sensations and discharges. adrenalin Y dopamine .

The sharp turns, climbs, descents and the strong speed of the roller coasters can provoke strong emotions, but more than one person ends with vertigo, dizziness and even fear. In fact, according to the portal, the anxiety generated by this mechanical game is known as veloxrotafobia .

Beyond being the roller coaster a fun attraction, it frees you from stress because it is very vertiginous, its continuous use or certain suffering can have some effects on health in general, although nothing serious. In fact, according to several safety studies, an air accident is more likely than one in the attraction.

The forces generated by a roller coaster can cause the blood to not reach the brain and can cause fainting, but in general, this force does not last more than three seconds.

Climbing the roller coaster does not damage the brain or the spine, it is the result of the study a group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania , published in Journal of Neurotrauma.

There are also no long-term risks associated with frequent practice, and most experts agree that the greatest concern should be the contracture temporary muscle and headache or neck pain.

About, Douglas Smith , lead author of the study, explains that "the amount of rotational acceleration needed to damage the brain is 18 times greater than the maximum reached at any turn of a roller coaster."

According to experts, the origin of some injuries can be in the high speeds and gravitational forces (G forces) that the user experiences in falls, loopings (turns of almost 360º) and inversions of roller coasters.

The usual G force that is reached in these attractions ranges from 2 G of wood and up to 6.5 G in steel. It is therefore important to heed the warnings before riding roller coasters:

Not suitable for people undergoing recent surgery, who suffer back or neck injuries, neither for pregnant women nor for those who suffer cardiac affections, blood pressure problems or nervous disorders.

For its part, a study of Henry Ford Hospital of Detroit, United States, indicates that one of the consequences of getting into this attraction, due to the change in pressure, can be annoyances, and even ear injuries .

Almost everyone can then enjoy the emotions that roller coasters cause, but like everything in life, it is recommended with some moderation, because the response to the substances that are exposed during the game, are similar to those generated by the cocaine , that's why it can be addictive, explains Brendan Walker, aeronautical engineer and emotion expert.

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