Taste that

The rhythm of life of the big cities is one of the main triggers of the emotional instability . Although it is a factor that you can not change, it is in your hands to take actions that combat it, such as including in your diet spices that reduce the anxiety and the stress .

In accordance with Maribel Caballero Amado , specialist of the Coordination of Health at Work of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) , the anxiety and the stress It is not exclusive to senior executives and people with great responsibilities.


Everyone, from children to the elderly, at some point deals with situations that can alter them physically and emotionally. It is very common to make it a condition that is part of everyday life. "


Taste that "slows down" your life

The solution to these conditions can be found in your cupboard, in the "powders" you use to flavor your food. In order for you to benefit from its properties, we present you the spices that fight symptom , causes or consequences of stress and the anxiety .

1. Cilantro Information from the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) , this spice helps to propitiate the dream and calm the nerves altered Which can be a direct consequence of stress .

2. Nail The World's Healthiest Foods , indicates that 4.20gr of this spice contain 126.4% of manganese ; This mineral has the property to help restore the nervous system , the principal affected by conditions such as stress .

3. Nutmeg. Researchers of the Standford University indicate that the addition of a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg in your diet daily can help you feel more calm and less impacted by problems in just two weeks, because it contains the substances: myristicin Y elemicin .

4. Saffron Data shared by specialists from UNAM Foundation , indicate that among its benefits are its properties anti-depressants . One of the most common causes of depression are the stress and the anxiety , so in reality you would be fighting 3 in 1.

5. Turmeric Its active ingredient, the curcumin , it is effective to regulate the immune system , besides being a powerful antioxidant , indicates the information of the foundation. When it has been altered it is easier for you to present stress or anxiety .

6. Basil. In the same way they say that in India this species is used to combat stress , asthma and even the diabetes . It is also a great source of beta-carotenes, which is converted into vitamin A, magnesium, iron and calcium.

7. Thyme. It helps to specifically improve the nervous system , which is attacked by the stress and the anxiety . On the other hand it is also auxiliary to have a better temperament, says Fundación UNAM.

If your levels of stress They are high, besides including in your diet these spices that reduce it together with the anxiety , you can also perform activities such as yoga , that help control it.

Video Medicine: Roger Creager - Gulf Coast Time - Official Audio (May 2024).