Take care of them as your face ...

For many women it is one of the least important areas with respect to the attraction , and therefore keep it hidden or poorly maintained, but the feet They could be the key to conquering the desired couple.

According to a study prepared by the University of Albany, in New York, women with smaller feet have faces more beautiful, at least according to the male perception, and the same thing happens with women whose bones of their thighs are longer and hips thinner as well as with ladies who are, in general, taller.


Take care of them as your face ...

Although you do not believe it, there are masks and other elements that can help you take care of your feet . Here we give you some clues, with information from medical consultant, Juna Arenas.

1. Hygiene is fundamental. Use mild soaps and the water should not be too hot. Avoid prolonged immersion classes: never more than 20 minutes.

2. Dry the feet well, especially between the fingers. After shower or bath use creams moisturizers, to replenish the balance lost by water.

3. Avoid direct contact of the feet on all possible surfaces . This will prevent possible infections, for example, mushrooms.

4. Wear a flexible footwear. That adapts correctly to the characteristics of your foot Y walk.

Another good option, but no less important, is to maintain balanced diet and exercise, the latter using the right shoes. Remember that your health is in your hands!

Video Medicine: 6 Face Care Tips to Make Your Skin Look Just Perfect (April 2024).