9 fruit seeds to lose weight

While it is true that seeds like Chia or flaxseed came to revolutionize our diet, now you will be surprised with the news that these are not the only ones that can help us lose weight . The seeds of some fruits, thanks to their fiber or their diuretic power, are also good to take off those extra kilos.

Therefore, we share a list with nine fruit seeds that will change your diet forever.


One of the best benefits of the pomegranate is its high fiber content, which will help promote intestinal transit and better metabolize food and consequently reduce your weight. The Department of Agriculture of the Dietary Guidelines of the United States points out that eating the seeds of the pomegranates will give you 4 grams of fiber per 100 grams.


Melon seeds are an excellent source of b12 vitamin and minerals. In addition, its high protein content makes it an excellent substitute for milk. According to a study conducted by H. Baghaei Ferdowski of the Ferdowski University of Mashhad, in Iran, it was found that the extract of these seeds contains 3.6% protein, 4% fat and 2.5% carbohydrates, a mixture similar to that of soy milk. Add it to your diet and you will see the results.


If you aim to lose weight and burn fat, your best option is to consume the papaya seeds, this is what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English) who indicate that the high content of papain they contain helps to accelerate the intestinal transit and to guarantee the adequate assimilation of what is consumed. It also reduces intestinal inflammation and prevents constipation.


The sweet pumpkin is a fruit and its nuggets are a good source of beneficial minerals, proteins and phytosterols to reduce cholesterol and the chances of developing certain types of cancer. It was also found that other compounds help to stabilize our mood so in addition to helping you burn fat, they will make you feel great.


The grape seed is highly valued in recent times as it is rich in phenolic elements, in addition to tococerol, and proanthocyanidins, which are great antioxidants for our body, but that's not all, these small seeds also help us to purify our intestines for so get faster to our ideal weight.


The avocado is an excellent, very complete food that keeps another secret in its seed, since 70% of the amino acids contained in this fruit are precisely there. Likewise, it contains more soluble fiber than any other food and consuming it regularly helps us to reduce our waist, according to the American Heart Associationthe avocado It is good to metabolize fats better.


Apricot seeds have laxative properties so they are recommended to combat constipation and ensure a regular bowel movement This makes them good allies of our diet by helping us to have a better digestion.


The seeds of cocoa, fruit from which chocolate comes, provide us with a great amount of nutritional properties, stimulate our nervous system and their polyphenols are good to stimulate our digestive system fighting, also, the constipation. Add them to your diet by grinding them and creating a powder that you can mix with water.


Watermelon seeds provide a good amount of dietary fiber to your body, promoting your intestinal transit naturally, it is also a great diuretic that is perfect for purifying our body, discarding accumulated toxins s and clean our kidneys.

Do not think twice and add some of these fruit seeds to your diet. We assure you that you will not regret it.

Video Medicine: Dr. Oz Discusses the Total 10 Rapid Weight-Loss Plan (May 2024).