3 enemies of METABOLISM, and how to put them on your side!

Has it happened to you that you see skinny men who eat everything and do not get fat or muscular and have a marked abdomen that you see eating tacos or hot cakes with joy ...? And you barely smell a shell, and you're fat! The fault is metabolism.

Metabolism is "the sum of movements, actions and changes that occur in the body to convert food and nutrients into energy to survive". To put it "in easy" the metabolism is the machine that converts food into energy for the day to day, or the one that keeps what is not used in the form of fat.

Effectively there are people with a metabolism more efficient than others; however, you do not have to resign yourself if it is not your case, you can take steps to accelerate it.

The main enemies of the metabolism and that you can correct are:

Bad nutrition . Exaggerating the consumption of highly sweetened and industrialized foods.Sedentary Hormonal issues , mainly: thyroid, insulin cortisol


Breakfast: After the nocturnal fasting, reconstruction begins at the physiological level; In addition to hormonal processes, the metabolism is at a low level. To activate it, you have to have breakfast and exercise in the morning. If by your tastes you are not training early! At least eat in the first hour after waking up. It begins with protein because it gives you satiety, the body spends more calories digesting it and gives the indication to the body to activate.

Do strength exercise : When exercising, the body starts to burn calories and raise its body temperature. There is a belief that mornings is the ideal time to do cardio; however, it is not 100% true. If you do not have time to do both cardio and strength, better do weights or crossfit! In addition to the higher levels of testosterone, this type of training burns more calories even after training; to repair and rebuild the muscle that was "micro-injured". In addition, having more muscle tissue burns more calories at rest.

To solve the hormonal issues It is important to visit an endocrinologist, but I give you some basic recommendations to improve them as long as they are not chronic issues. For example, to improve the functioning of the thyroid it is important:


  • Supplements with zinc, iodine, selenium, magnesium;
  • One teaspoon coconut oil organic a day
  • Do exercise to increase body temperature.

To lower the excess cortisol:

  • Reduce stress!
  • Sleep deeply: for resting you can take melatonin capsules
  • Relax: do yoga and you can take complex B.

And if you have excess of insulin (resistance to this):

  • Low consumption of sugars, refined flours and soft drinks
  • and ... exercise!

* [1] Franz Suarez. The power of metabolism. Metabolic Press, 2009.

Video Medicine: 13 Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss (April 2024).