Health that is within your reach ...

Mexico, like the rest of the world, suffers a problem that is increasing and decreases health and quality of life of the population: obesity. However, there are 100% natural foods that can help to counteract this situation among them highlights the canary seed milk

According to a study conducted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico , canary milk provides enzymes that help to reduce inflammation of organs such as liver , kidneys and pancreas; besides that it is an excellent diuretic drink.


Health that is within your reach ...

If you want to know all the benefits that the birdseed milk for you organism, and the proper way to consume it, GetQoralHealth He explains it to you through the following video:

A study of Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Seville, conducted by professors Nova, Jiménez and Asuero, and entitled Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Canary Seed Infusions by Chemiluminiscence , notes that canary seed milk is rich in antioxidants ; they can prevent signs characteristic of aging such as fine lines.

Canary seed milk is part of the so-calleds vegetable milks (barley, rice, oats, rye and sesame, the latter even has more calcium than cow's milk). Many of them offer an alternative full of benefits for the organism.

Although, if you want to enjoy all the benefits of birdseed milk without leaving your home, GetQoralHealth put at your service your Product selection where you will find not only birdseed milk but a great variety of products to take care of your health.

Video Medicine: Wealth is Within Your Reach by FJC (May 2024).