Beyond the economic ...

It does not matter if you are a parent or you are single, unemployment generates havoc in anyone's economy, but also in their health. Since the debts, the high cost of basic products and reduced salaries, can generate feelings that damage the organism

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , unemployment in Mexico amounts to 4.6%, the lowest rate of the countries that make it up.


Beyond the economic ...

However, how can unemployment affect health? Here we say some of them. Get them!

1. Infarction. According to the study, carried out by the National Institute on Aging (National Institute of Aging of the United States), the loss of employment represents a threat to health, and in particular for the heart, similar to diseases like smoking and blood pressure.

2. Depression. A study of British Medical Journey ensures that unemployed people have a suicide risk between two and three times higher.

3. Insomnia. According to a study of OCCMundial One of the recurring diseases after a layoff is lack of sleep.

4. Increase your chance to die. A team of researchers from the McGill University in Canada and the Stony Brook University (USA) , says that being unemployed increases the risk of die prematurely up to 63%.

Having a job is very important, especially in an economic aspect. However, the Health It has a higher priority, since in the absence of this, no action can be taken.

Video Medicine: Economic Update: Transition Beyond Capitalism (April 2024).