Sugar, vital in the diet

Currently there is controversy regarding the sugar in the diet and its consumption. In fact, the idea has arisen that the foods that contain it are less nutritious than those that do not.

Numerous studies have confirmed that it makes nutritious foods, richer, which contributes to the intake of vitamins and minerals, key to maintaining good health.

The American Heart Association (AHA) stresses the importance of sugar in diet , ensuring that when added to foods rich in nutrients, such as flavored milk, yogurt and cereals, the quality of food for children and adolescents improves.

It is important to note that sugar in foods with a high nutritional value, in addition to giving a sweet taste, also provides organoleptic and functional properties to foods, such as: flavor, texture, preservation, product stability, volume and viscosity.

In the case of foods that use substitutes, they must add other ingredients to their formulas to achieve the characteristics that sugar provides.

As for the caloric intake, they are 15 kilocalories per teaspoon, an amount of energy that can be easily used during the day, in activities such as bathing 8 minutes or walking 10 minutes.

There is also the misconception that you have a glycemic index high; that is, it greatly increases its concentration in the blood. Actually, this one has a index moderate, similar to that of brown rice, and generally when it is consumed in a food that contains proteins, fats or fiber, this value may decrease.

It is believed that people with diabetes They can not include sugar in their diet, to the extent of prohibiting it. However, according to the American Diabetes Association , ensures that their consumption should not be restrictive, but should be adapted to the food plan and their medication hypoglycemic , or to the administration of insulin .

The sugar in a diet, like any other food, must be consumed in the proper proportions, according to the needs of each person. The consultation with a nutritionist will provide the necessary information to know the amount that can be included in the diet, as well as include the three food groups of the Plate of Good Eating.

For more information: F: T: @inskmx

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