To pass the time!

To maintain a healthy weight, it is essential to maintain balanced diet; that is, that all food groups exist. However, there are some that are more beneficial than others and, above all, generate more satiety; example, the pistachios which have amazing properties.


It is a good source of vegetal protein, lipids and, very rich in carbohydrate. This fruit also has a high content of unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fats; Oleic acid predominates, which helps reduce cholesterol level LDL ("bad"), "says an article in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain.

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To pass the time!

The pistache is an excellent option when the hunger of half day arises, for that reason we provide you some things that you gain when eating it.

1. Take care of your heart The American Pistachio Growers and the American Heart Association, claim that consuming 30 grams of pistachio-free daily helps reduce the risk of suffering heart disease.

2. Reduce stress. Potassium and magnesium from pistachios help reduce blood pressure and heart rate in situations of stress, this is indicated by a study of Pennsylvania State University , published in the magazine Hypertension, of the American Heart Association Journal.

3. Improve your privacy. According to an investigation carried out by the expert Aldemir of the University Hospital and Atatürk Research Center of Ankara (Turkey), published in the International Journal of Impotence Research , the high healthy fat content, sterols, proteins Y fibers Pistache improves the organic response of the body to the erotic act.

4. Avoid constipation. A serving of this food provides 3 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to more than 10% of the recommended daily amount.

5. Take care of your brain . With respect to minerals, they have considerable amounts of phosphorus and potassium , so they are recommended to improve mental health and enhance intellectual abilities, as indicated by the MMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain .

6. Your skin looks younger. Protects the skin of the aoxidative people that hurt her This is due to its high content in antioxidants such as lutein, gamma-tocopherol, zeaxanthin and vitamin B2 and E.

The properties of the pistache They can improve health significantly, but you must add it with exercise so that you can see results. Try it and take care!

Video Medicine: How to Make Time Go Faster (when you're waiting for something!) (April 2024).