What affects them the most is ...

Today the women they play several roles simultaneously: they take care of the children, they work to support the household economy, they perform household chores and a host of other activities. This can cause deterioration in your Health , that is why it is essential that they take care of themselves.

It is not necessary to wait to feel pain; On the contrary, going to the hospital or visiting the doctor regularly can prevent many sufferings .


What affects them the most is ...

The women and men have many health problems in common, but some affect them differently. Or, some diseases are more common in women, such as arthritis, obesity and depression.

To this we must add the physiological changes that your body is going through during your life: menarche (first menstruation), maternity, menopause and aging, which causes changes that can affect your health to a greater or lesser degree.


Causes of death

According to Health Secretary , the main causes of deaths in women in Mexico are:


  1. Mellitus diabetes
  2. Heart disease
  3. Cerebrovascular diseases
  4. Lung diseases
  5. Perinatal complications
  6. Arterial hypertension
  7. Hepatic cirrhosis
  8. Malnutrition
  9. Cancer of uterus, breast, liver, stomach and lung
  10. Anemia

The truth is that for a greater prevention of these diseases , it is important to carry out periodic studies to control weight, monitor blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, just to mention a few; in addition, the gynecological review, necessary to maintain a good sexual and reproductive health .

It is also advisable to do exercise physical, to follow a balanced diet that includes healthy foods (especially vegetables, fruits and vegetables), not to abuse the foods with salt and to avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) improve the health of women it can be achieved with information (to know the risk factors that produce the diseases), training (to learn which habits of life are healthy) and care (to follow healthy advice in self-care).


We take care of your health

In Angeles Hospital , supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology, we have the Women's Care Center, which is aimed at improving women's health, particularly during the reproductive stage of their life.

Our team of professionals is permanently dedicated to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our patients. We know the importance of a reliable prenatal diagnosis, and the hope of conceiving in difficult circumstances with the support of the most advanced of medical science and the biology of reproduction.

The uro-gynecological early assessment methods, with the most advanced technology, allow us to offer an opportune diagnosis, together with specialized care, in order to prevent and correct urinary incontinence and other disorders that affect the quality of life.

Video Medicine: How Punishing Kids Affects them as Adults (May 2024).