5 most insecure areas of the D.F

Data of the Attorney General's Office of the Federal District (PGJDF), reveal that in 5 delegations the most insecure demarcations of the capital are concentrated.

These are: Gustavo A. Madero , Azcapotzalco , Benito Juarez , Cuauhtémoc Y Venustiano Carranza .
According to the study The cost of security in Mexico, prepared by the Citizen Institute of Studies on Insecurity (Icesi), total losses due to insecurity went from 16.1% of public expenditure in 2007 to 20.1% in 2011

While the per capita losses for the inhabitants of Mexico City for the concept of insecurity they have an average of 5,600 pesos per year.

As we know that the security issue is basic to our physical and emotional health, we invite you to Wednesday, October 24 enter the videochat that Excelsior has with the owner of the Ministry of Public Security of the Federal District (SSPDF), the doctor Manuel Mondragón and Kalb .

The official will answer citizen questions in ALIVE about the programs implemented by the SSPDF as Bicentennial Project: Safe City of the surveillance cameras that have helped the capital police to prevent crime, as well as the preventive program: Drive without alcohol, whose objective is to reduce car accidents in the country's capital.

Send all your questions through Twitter using the hashtag #videochat_Exc. OR on Facebook, in the account ExcelsiorMex .

Do not miss the opportunity to express your doubts to Dr. Manuel Mondragón and Kalb; He will answer you in real time, this Wednesday, October 24 at 11:30 a.m. through excelsior.com.mx

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