How to cure a blister?

It has happened to all of us, or at least to most of us, that after a few hours of wearing new shoes, simply walking becomes unbearable; no matter how much adhesive tape or bandages we occupy, the pain of constant rubbing does not usually diminish until We treat or cure the blister , but how to do it quickly?


First of all, do not break it. It may be tempting to do so, but the intact skin of the ampulla a turns out to be a natural barrier against bacteria, thereby decreasing the risk of infection, "says an article in the Mayo Clinic


How to cure a blister?

Although it is common, few of us know how to do it, to avoid scars or some disease. Reason why next we give you a first aid guide to treat the blisters:

1. Wash the ampoule with warm water and soap, and if possible apply a little iodine on it.

2. Sterilize a needle by rubbing it with a little alcohol.

3. Once the needle is clean pierce various ends of the ampoule. The objective of this is to drain the liquid that accumulates in the area.

4. Apply an ointment (Vaseline) and cover with a non-stick gauze dressing. If a rash appears, stop using it. This bandage should be changed every day. Eye, you should change the bandage every day.

Video Medicine: Emergency First Aid : How to Treat Foot Blisters (April 2024).