7 asanas to avoid eating more

Yoga, is an ancestral practice that arises in India and that aims to connect the mess with the body through a series of postures; however, these may be the ideal alternative to lose weight through decreased appetite.

This physical activity is not only effective in reducing your stress levels, a factor that generates anxiety and increases appetite, it also improves the functioning of the digestive system; also, that people who practice yoga eat more slowly and are more aware of what they eat.

That's why we present 7 asanas that, according to YogaJourna.com , will help you lose weight and avoid eating more:

1. Asana bharadvajasana This is perfect for releasing stress. By the position you can stretch the entire spine, shoulders and hips. It also massages the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

2. Asana balasana. It is among the most difficult, but relaxing yoga postures. This allows to gently stretch the hips and thighs, also helps relieve stress and fatigue.

3. Asana viparita Karani. In this, the legs are stretched and placed on the wall; In addition to relieving spinal pain decreases digestive problems.

4. Asana parivrtta Trikonasana. It focuses mainly on areas such as the abdomen, lower back and legs. Its main function is to stimulate the best functioning of the stomach.

5. Asana marjaryasana Stretch the torso and neck. Provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. Relieve the stress.

6. Asan ardha Halasana. Work your abdomen to encourage good digestion. Lie on a yoga mat on the floor with your arms at your sides. Lift your right leg off the floor as much as you can without separating your back or hips from the ground. Then lower it and repeat with your left leg.

7. Asana parighasana. Eliminates constipation through improving the intestinal tract and reducing stress levels.

These asanas will allow you to lose weight and reduce your appetite; but remember, any yoga practice should be carried out under the supervision and advice of an expert.