Secrets discovered ...

Trait associated closely with a natural body process: aging. The wrinkles Beyond the age that is not always related, can reveal secrets or psychological aspects of your personality and maybe you would like to hide.


There are a number of genetic factors that influence the aging of each person. Those first signs of the passage of time in the skin of the face They can appear even in adolescence, from 15 years old. However, it is after the 25th when the first lines of expression - almost always caused by gestures - they can be seen when you look at yourself in front of the mirror, and at 30 they will be completely evident ", as indicatedMaría Bernarda Vergara, aesthetic doctor


Secrets discovered ...

Facial movements are based on a direct connection that the face has with the brain, for which the face is a very valuable access to what is knowledge, to the interiority of the person. This is what he points out María de los Ángeles Muñoz, specialist in non-verbal communication and face reading.

For this reason we tell you what your wrinkles reveal face.

1. Faint lines on the forehead. According to the expert Rose Rosetree, These speak of a person with a very active thinking, with interests in various aspects of reality.

2. Vertical wrinkles. Anger and anger are manifested in these signs; if they start from eye left, that anger has to do with personal life, while if they originate in the right they are linked to professional career or public life.

3. Frown He is a person prone to get angry. Explosive! Indicates Rosetree.

4. Sadness It makes the commissure of lips bend down.

5. deep lines that "frame" the mouth. They indicate that they have suffered for a long time.

6. Holes in cheeks. Beauty trait, they can reveal that the person has gone through really difficult situations.

7. "Crow's feet". Indicate that this person goes to external advice, friends and family, to overcome the setbacks of life.

8. Dark circles. They point out that the person is introverted, and goes to the depths of themselves to find the value or what is necessary to handle difficult situations.

9. Wrinkles that are marked from the mouth to the chin. Indicates pessimism, since it is about muscle of disappointment, which may appear in childhood. The person is aware of what annoys him.

10. Wrinkles that form on the outside of the forehead, above the tail of the eyebrows, as well as on the edge of the eye. Are wrinkles arched that indicate great capacity for surprise. They show a great intellectual capacity.

A good way to slow the appearance of wrinkles is through a good feeding and a dose of daily exercise. Try it!