Risk practices

At World Hepatitis Day which is celebrated this July 28, seeks to raise awareness about this disease. It is estimated that one million 600 thousandMexicans is it soinfected with the virus ofHepatitis C , but 75% ignore it because it has no symptoms.

While the year, between 130 and 170 million people in the world they contract Hepatitis C , of which more than 350,000 lose their lives as a result of diseases hepatic as the cirrhosis and the Liver cancer .

Through the campaignTake control of your health, take care of your liver, theMinistry of Health of the Federal District and theMexican Foundation for Hepatic Health (FundHepa) They seek to sensitize the population about the factors ofrisk that detonate this disease theliver

Armando Ahued Ortega, Secretary of Health of the Federal District , ensures that the Health of the liver Is one of the most forgotten in Mexico, so he made a called to the population to prevent and to do awareness of the seriousness of the five types ofhepatitis caused by virus A, B, C, D and E.


Risk practices

Some of the risk factors for contracting Hepatitis B and C are tattoos , perforations , sexual intercourse without protection, manicure or pedicure with poorly sterilized instruments, transfusions of blood before 1994, among others.

While the Hepatitis A contract when drinking Water or eat foods prepared with poor hygiene or contaminated with fecal matter from an infected person, so extreme precautions must be taken.

Enrique Wolpert, president of the Scientific Committee of the FundHepa , explains that hepatitis C is a epidemic global silent that can remain for decades; if it is not detected early, it driftscirrhosis Y Liver cancer . When the patient does not know that he suffers it, he becomes infected with other people.

If detected early, the Hepatitis C is curable with antiviral second generation directives, since there is no vaccine for its cure, although the greatest challenge is to achieve access to them. While the virus A Y B can be controlled with vaccinations existing

The health Secretary capitalina affirms that it is best to promote, prevent and detect in time the Hepatitis C; one of the ways of avoid the contagion is having sex with protection. Highlights the importance of having a blood test every year for the detection timely. Watch your health!

Video Medicine: 94 Which nations' economies are advanced in risk practices? (May 2024).