Rhianna reveals her butt routine

All women seek to look and feel good, and havebuttocks Firm is one of the biggest concerns; However, theexercises to strengthen them they require a certain technique.

Know the secrets of Rihanna forto exercise theirbuttocks and keep them in shape.

According to information fromThe Huffington Post,isroutine It consists of threeseries of 20 to 25 repetitions For eachexercise so you can see the results. one.Lateral and backward lifting: Stand with your feet together, lift your left leg back and return to the original position. Do the same with the right leg. Continue alternating between the legs until finishing the repetitions. Then, do the same with each leg, but elevating them to the sides. If you want to modify thisexercise , try to alternate it  back and to the sides.

2. Step: Use a chair or a bank; raise the left leg, then the right. Return the left leg to the ground and then the right, and start again.

3. Cross step: Stand next to a chair. I step over him using his right leg from the right side. Felxiona and elevates the left leg to the front, and leads to the floor, diagonally (next to the right foot). Continue to alternate the sides of 20 to 25 repetitions.

4. Weight lifting with straight leg: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a dumbbell or a bar on the floor in front of you. Lean down and pick up the weight little by little until your feet reach and go up, sliding your hips back. Return the weight to the ground slowly and repeat.

The key to exercising thesemuscles is to achieve a position that makes it impossible for the body to use others, and has to perform theexercise with the buttocks .

Because it is amuscle big and consumer ofEnergy , the body only uses it when it has no other option. Therefore, if you wishstrengthen it , look for the best option forexercise it .

If you want more information, see our specialexercise .

Do not wait any longer and look buttocks enviable!

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Video Medicine: Rihanna Butt Workout (April 2024).