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To be in love is undoubtedly one of the stages that cause most happiness although it is ephemeral. Science says that its intensity it only lasts three or four months because the body would not support so much production phenylethylamine , substance responsible for the sensations of love Romantic.

The phenylethylamine It is produced in the brain by simple situations such as an exchange of looks, rubbing or handshaking that lead to infatuation . The brain of people in love contains a lot of this substance, they say Donald F. Klein and Michael R. Liebowitz, of the Psychiatric Institute of New York in the United States .

In order to take advantage of the situations and lead you to live this state of happiness, GetQoralHealth list 5 things that make a woman fall in love with you .


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1. Look her in the eyes. Eye contact is crucial because it increases the sensations of attraction , interest and excitement To her. When you stare into the eyes and the gaze is reciprocated, in the brain zones related to the reward , confirms a study by scientists from the Aberdeen and Stirling universities , from Scotland.

2. Make her laugh. Eduardo Jáuregui, professor of Positive Psychology at Saint Louis University in Madrid , Spain, ensures that "in addition to the capacity of to stimulate creativity, memory, motivation and generosity, laughter exerts a great power of attraction and decreases tensions ”.

3. Tell him what you feel. Although it could generate a risky situation, express your feelings It will make her interested in you. Wait for the moment adequate e intimate without an interruption. By expressing what you feel takes care that he does not feel pressed .

4. Know it . It does not only mean that you know the day of your birthday or age. Keep a sincere interest to take you further, to know how think , your hobbies , beliefs , tastes and those situations and things that displease him. Remembering it and mentioning it will make you attractive .

5. Halagala. The important thing is that you are honest . He praises his personality, every woman loves to hear what beautiful what looks According to a study of researchers from Great Britain , compliments cause more pleasure to women than sex and to purchases. That's why it's very effective to do it when you're looking captivate to a woman.

The women they feel more pleased when fall in love slowly. They value the attitudes , intimacy, commitment and love . They like more for men who seek to satisfy their needs, who are affectionate , comprehensive and above all, Reliable .

For you, what other things make a woman fall in love with you and what strategies you're worth love her .

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