1. At work

According to American Psychiatric Press Washington , the term personality is used to refer to the "distinctive style" that each person has, or to the pattern of thought, emotions, adaptation and behavior that they have. A strong personality usually refers to that person who although he can help with a work team, acts independently, has the ability to be a leader and make decisions that convince and motivate other people.

A "strong" personality tends to be a source of debate and controversy, especially since it does not usually consider a defeat or unplanned situation. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we give you some features that will help you distinguish if you have a strong or pioneering personality:


1. At work

Usually a person who contributes ideas, most of these ideas are ambitious, which is why he likes to take risks.


2. At home

It is that member of the family that "wears the pants" and delegates the daily activities for each member as well as making important decisions.


3. In a relationship

He usually takes the relationship along the path he believes appropriate, adopting a leader role similar to the one he plays in the labor field.


Positive or negative personality?

The strong personality can have advantages and disadvantages, how can they be:

NEGATIVE ASPECTS. It can be vulnerable, especially when it loses control, as it is easy to get irritated and then be, authoritarian or aggressive. The negative feature of greater attention is violent, since although a neuroimaging study published in Archives of General Psychiatry suggests that violent people have more gray matter in certain brain regions than non-violent subjects, this can be related to feelings of desire, power and reward that generate antisocial behavior.

POSITIVE ASPECTS. He is enterprising, innovative and practical. To favor positive traits, it is best to emphasize values ​​and goals in each social area, apply a consistent criterion, generate a participatory environment.

ASPECTS OF PIONER PERSONALITY. A "pioneer" personality has characteristics of curiosity, ability to cope, determination and initiative, unlike the strong personality, he knows how to better control his emotions.

Do not forget that if you have problems handling complicated situations, you are irritated easily and constantly, a psychological therapy or the practice of disciplines such as yoga can improve your quality of life. Beware!