Properties of the vermouth

Basically, the vermouth It is a type of aromatic wine to which herbs such as wormwood, saffron, chamomile, juniper, cilantro, among others, are added. Today, we consume it as an appetizer for its flavor but, you know what is the vermouth good for? ?

The legends say that the first person to prepare the vermouth was Hippocrates, doctor and philosopher of yesteryear, who combined wine with aromatic herbs to create a potion as a natural medicine.


Properties of the vermouth

Like most wines, vermouth contains antioxidant properties that help prevent oxidation of cells, which prevents free radicals. In simpler terms, this means that they help prevent cells from becoming cancer cells and slow aging.

The advantage of vermouth over other wines is that it also contains aromatic herbs with multiple health benefits. Absinthe is one of the main herbs.

The wormwood It is used in natural medicine to correct digestive problems, improve sexual appetite and relieve pain. Therefore, what vermouth is good for, unlike other beverages, is to alleviate these problems.


What you should take into account:

The vermouth does not stop being an alcoholic drink, so if we consume it in excess, the damages to the health will counteract the beneficial effects.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that when alcohol is consumed, men consume a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day and women 1 cup of alcohol per day, avoiding their daily consumption.

Wormwood, one of the herbs with which this drink is made, can be harmful in large quantities and cause side effects such as vomiting, stomach pains, kidney problems among others, as well as interacting with medications to prevent seizures. There is little evidence about its use, benefits and adequate doses. Consult your doctor.

In moderation, if we know what vermouth is good for and we avoid excesses, we can alleviate basic digestive discomforts and avoid aging at an early age.


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