PhotoReading improves your learning

Part of our optimal health is to awaken the real potential of our mind. The method called PhotoReading incorporates the latest discoveries about the learning process of the brain.

This system helps to acquire new tools to be more efficient in the reading , but above all, it leads us to discover the natural genius that resides within us, learning to use the vast resources of our non-conscious mind.

This is an avant-garde method created by Paul Scheele, director of Learning Strategies Corporation, which teaches read with the totality of the mind; that is, with the conscious mind and the non-conscious mind, immense internal resource frankly wasted.

The benefits of integrating this way of read to our life, there are many, such as:

1. Read more easily and with better understanding. 2. Improve the memory and concentration. 3. Increase the productivity . 4. Create countless new perspectives in life. 5. Promote new and higher levels of Personal development , expanding the total capabilities of the mind. 6. Perfect intuition and discover our true potential. 7. Have more time. 8. Acquire all the information that is needed at least three times faster.

The strength of the system is not so much in the techniques, but in the change of perspective what the techniques generate. To use the system and achieve the desired objectives, it is carried out during a course that lasts a couple of days in which the compulsion to apply the usual habits of reading , extremely inefficient.

Therefore, this method leads us to learn a new way of using our mind, fundamentally to read with much greater speed and understanding of what we have read, but also to learn about any topic, in a different and much more effective way.

At present, PhotoReading It is found in more than 35 countries and has been translated into more than 18 languages. In Mexico it just begins to be known. Therefore, we invite you on July 14 and 15 to the workshop that will be taught at the Be Better Being Center, aimed at students and professionals. For more information visit or call 36-19-72-94.

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Video Medicine: Learning Languages using PhotoReading (May 2024).