Magnets to heal

The biomagnetism shows that when applying magnets in specific points of the body, it is possible to eliminate in a short period of time, virus , bacteria , mushrooms or parasites .

By placing magnets with a minimum intensity of 1000 Gauss (physical unit that defines the magnetic induction) precisely and with specific polarity, it is possible to restore the internal balance and thus the self-regulation of the organism.
In most cases of diseases known as the depression , obesity , diabetes Y Cancer , a very remarkable improvement is achieved.

The biomagnetism It is suitable for all kinds of diseases, because:

  1. No harm or undesirable effects

  2. Does not require medication

  3. It is a preventive health procedure, since it detects diseases in a timely manner, before its clinical manifestation is evident

  4. Mitigates pain and inflammation

Biomagnetism therapy was developed by the Mexican doctor, Isaac Goiz Durán of Mexico and is endorsed by the University of Chapingo of Mexico and the University of Loja in Ecuador.

Video Medicine: USING MAGNETS TO HEAL? (May 2024).