Onion shampoo: benefit and uses

From using a contraceptive pill in the rinse to using almond oil in the dry ends ... Natural medicine have proven to be an excellent option to obtain a long and shiny hair, but among the most effective is the onion shampoo.


This is because the onion has a large amount of flavonoids and quercetin, antioxidants that deactivate molecules that are harmful to the growth of cells (for example, those of the scalp) and their conservation ", as described by the National Onion Association.


Onion shampoo: benefit and uses

In addition to antioxidants, The onion is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the construction and maintenance of collagen in the skin and hair. However, this shampoo serves for more ...

Video Medicine: Onion Shampoo: How to Grow Long Thicken Hair with Onion | Get Long, Thick, Shiny, Smooth Hair (April 2024).