Nicotine receptor is responsible for suppressing appetite

The smokers They tend to be Thinner that people who do not smoke, found a new study published by the newspaper Science , which reveals the zone in the brain where nicotine seems to act with an effect appetite suppressant . This discovery could help find a treatment for obesity.

The scientists found a receptor on the surface of some brain cells where the nicotine joins. When they activated the receptor in an experiment in mice, the mice ate less. This could be of help in developing an anti-tobacco treatment for those people who fear getting fat from leaving cigarettes.

"What we can find is where the suppression of appetite happens in the brain , and we found the nicotine receptors that are responsible for it, "said the study's author, Marina Picciotto , professor of psychiatry at Yale University.

The researcher mentions that there are great hopes to achieve produce medicines based on this type of nicotine receptors that help control the appetite .

Picciotto said future research could help develop a better understanding of how receivers work in the suppression of appetite.

However, he warned that in human research, such receptors can be difficult, since they are involved during their activation to answers related to the increase in blood pressure and the pulse.

The development of anti-obesity and anti-smoking drugs could be beneficial, but they will not be a cure, the expert warned.

Source: Live Science.

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