Expression of affection and something more ...

"A kiss is just a kiss," according to the song, but not according to a new study that says kissing helps people evaluate potential partners and, once inside the relationship, keep them together.

The study included more than 900 adults who filled out an online form that asked about the importance of kissing in both short-term relationships and long-term relationships. In general, women rated the kiss as more important to relationships than men.

Men and women who perceived themselves as attractive, or those who tended to have more short-term relationships and casual encounters also gave more importance to kissing, according to the findings, which appeared on October 11 in magazines Archives of Sexual Behavior and Human Nature.


Expression of affection and something more ...

Previous studies have shown that women tend to be more selective when choosing a partner at the beginning, as are more attractive men and women or who have more casual sex partners.

Since these are the same groups that tend to value kissing more in responses to surveys, this suggests that kissing helps evaluate potential partners, the researchers said. Oxford University.

They noted that it has been suggested that kissing could allow people to unconsciously evaluate a potential partner through taste or smell, and thereby gain some clues as to compatibility, genetic fitness or general health.

Previous research has found that women value behaviors that strengthen long-term relationships more. This survey found that the importance of kissing varied depending on whether people were in a short or long-term relationship, and women rated the kiss as more important in long-term relationships.

This suggests that kissing also plays an important role in maintaining affection and attachment between established couples, the researchers said.

"Kisses in human sexual relationships are very prevalent in various forms throughout societies and cultures, kisses have been observed in our closest primate relatives (chimpanzees and bonobos), but it is much less intense and use much less, "the study author said in a press release from the journals. Rafael Wlodarski.

"Therefore, it is a human behavior for courtship that is very widespread and is very common and, in all its scope, is quite unique," said Wlodarski. "And we're still not exactly sure why it's so widespread or what objective it pursues."

Video Medicine: [HOT] Expression of husband's affection, 이상한 나라의 며느리 20181129 (April 2024).