Relaxation techniques affect our genetic activity

You can shoot a broken traffic light, an argument with your partner or a coffee spilled on your pants, but stress is part of our daily lives. We can control how much it affects us, but it is one of the main factors to develop physical diseases Y mental

According to research from the Harvard Medical School, stress can contribute to exacerbate health problems, such as high pressure , suppression of the immune system, migraines, insomnia, depression, among others.

By recognizing the signs of stress, it is possible to learn to handle difficult situations. The techniques of response with relaxation can have such a powerful effect on the body that its benefit is profound and works genetic level .

The study examined the effects of relaxation response in certain groups of genes, which can activate or not to these genes. These groups are involved in how the body controls the free radicals, the processes of inflammation, and cell death.

The relaxation techniques that the volunteers of the study included, meditation, yoga, groups of breathing, Y repetitive prayer .

Although these studies have not yet been confirmed, they give greater credibility to the theory on connection between body and mind , and how such a link could have important implications in how we treat some diseases.

We present a video of a brief guided meditation that can help you start your relaxation practices:

Video Medicine: How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia (April 2024).