Nanotechnology vs overweight and obesity

In the search for alternatives against overweight and obesity, the nanotechnology it stands as an option to combat the excess of grease in the body, the excessive consumption of foods with fats as well as for the control of hunger and cravings , according to the site nanotecnologí

Researchers of the Utah State University they study how to use nanotechnology to "cheat" the brain human, in order to eliminate the need to eat certain types of foods with fats, which cause obesity, publishes the NY Times .

The project, called "The invisible diet", consists of the application of an injection of nanoparticles made with fat cells to the body, directed towards fat receptors in the intestine of people who are overweight.

These nanoparticles communicate to brain that the body has just enjoyed a meal rich in fat and that it can relieve the feeling of being satisfied, even if the patient has only really taken a small dish low in calories.

With which, the neurochemistry can be modified and prevent an excessive consumption of fats and calories, in order to promote a healthy diet and prevent overweight and obesity.

Sustained in molecular science, the NASA and Korean FDA have created an apparatus that allows, through micro particles conductive magnetic charges, eliminate fat and tone muscles with three types of currents, according to the portal

On the one hand, this application sends information to hypothalamus through electromagnetic impulses, thus achieving the decrease in the level of anxiety and hunger .

While on the other hand, microparticles stimulate metabolism of the cells, eliminate toxic substances and stimulate blood circulation, so the Nano Ems, as it was named, maximizes the fat burning, fight the flaccidity and prevents the retention that fluids .

Another development of the nanobiotechnology is the ONR Complex dietary supplement (Oxyla Night Reset), which works at a molecular level on the catalytic enzymes in the intestine, which transforms the carbohydrates to molecules of glucose , which are easier to absorb and eliminate grease.

One more of the developments of the nanotechnology is the SP6 self-adhesive patch, from LifeWave, which uses the ancient principles of acupressure to stimulate points in the body to achieve balance and control the appetite by chemical signals to hypothalamus .

The result, according to an analysis published in the International Quarterly Journal of Health Sciences , is a decrease in hungry and the desire to ingest sugar, without using any medicine or drugs, stimulants or needles that enter the body, in addition to helping to control the need for sugars.

So far, each of these developments bionanotech has shown efficacy in their respective fields, however the possible side effects have not yet been fully studied, so their choice to combat overweight and obesity should always be well guided by a group of specialists.

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