Essential for your seasoning

When it comes to seasoning foods to consume them, one of the ingredients that can not be missing at that moment is salt. But nevertheless, Do you know everything about this food?

The drawback is that when we use it excessively, we put our well-being at serious risk, not only in terms of weight but also in terms of health, so it is essential that you know how it affects the organism and how much we can consume without it being harmful.


Essential for your seasoning

1.- The kitchen salt is sodium chloride, notes Pietro Migliaccio, author of the book Alto a la celulitis, which increases the retention of water in the body, causing edema - inflammation in tissues -, one of the main causes of cellulitis.

2.- If we have propensity to suffer arterial hypertension, the consumption of salt can trigger it, reason why it is necessary to respect the indicated daily dose that corresponds to 7 grams of salt, that is to say, a small spoonful rasa.

3.- All the foods we eat contain sodium in different amounts, so it is convenient to recognize the level of concentration you have not to exceed the recommended dose.

4.- Using this excess seasoning causes the body to keep them between the cells waiting for them to kidneys they filter it, which makes these organs, as well as the heart and the liver have to perform a double effort to be able to discard it organism.

5.- This type of problem is not noticed immediately, but it has a long-term effect, so it is essential that from an early age we are aware of the importance of using salt with measure.


What to do to keep it to the limit?

The author recommends that in order to reduce levels of sodium that we ingest, we must take into account the following tips:

1. Prefer fresh and frozen foods instead of those that require preservatives.

2. Reduce the consumption of sausages and cold meats, since in their manufacturing process they require large amounts of salt.

3. When preparing food, it is best to season it with herbs, aromatic garlic, onion, parsley, cilantro, among others, or spices, such as pepper, chili, saffron, curry, etc.

4. Use lemon juice or balsamic vinegar that highlights the flavor of the foods.

5. Limit the use of condiments such as consommés, soy sauce, mustard or ketchup that have a high sodium content.

Taking a few simple measures, it is possible to keep our health in good condition, without the pain of having to sacrifice food or enjoy those dishes that we like so much.

Video Medicine: Essential Seasonings & 5 Easy Homemade Blends (April 2024).