Do you make a drama of everything?

It is not a disorder, but a feature of the personality that can alter a person's life: a high level of sensitivity. Characteristic that has 1 out of 5 individuals, and that is distinguished by a deep empathy for others and the environment; that is to say, they take things "too" personal.


People with this trait need more time to decide, look for spaces where they can be alone and put more emphasis on the details; example, remember a birthday. And this is due to the activation of larger areas of the brain related to the process of order and emotions, "according to a study published in the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.


Do you make a drama of everything?

But nevertheless, How to know that you are a highly sensitive person? Here we give you some signals with information from the expert in psychology, Ted Zeff.


1. You are susceptible to the environment

You stress easily in the face of chaotic noises and situations; example, marches, parties or in a labor league where there is a large number of workers.


2. You analyze everything

You like to process things at a deeper level. In addition to being intuitive, you feel the need to get to the source of situations or feelings that disturb you, either you or others.