Mangosteen vs type 2 diabetes and inflammation

The mangosteen It is a fruit of pleasant flavor and of Asian origin that has great utility in case of type 2 diabetes because it helps regulate the blood glucose levels and decreases the insulin resistance , in addition to preventing hypoglycemia .

It contains a large number of biologically active substances, such as tannins, quinones, stilbenes, polysaccharides, catechins, sterols, and small amounts of potassium, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, phosphorus, sodium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin.

In this sense, it contains anti-inflammatories (xanthones) that could reduce the development of heart diseases and the imbalance of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes and / or overweight.

According to research published in the journal Nutrition Journal, the juice of this exotic fruit decreases the levels of C-reactive protein , one of the main biological indicators of cardiovascular disease.

This study showed that people who drink approximately half a liter of juice mangosteen per day, can reduce the levels of C reactive protein significantly (1.33 mg / L compared to an increase of 0.9 mg / L in the placebo group).

Also, its antioxidant properties (catechins) combat aging and any degenerative process because it provides more elasticity to the blood vessels, while making oxidation difficult. fats (preventing them from becoming cholesterol).

Therefore, in addition to controlling blood glucose levels , eating or drinking the juice of this fruit, on a regular basis, also helps reduce cholesterol and prevent metabolic syndrome .

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